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On Demand

Sunday ONDEMAND - 2023 107th KAC Annual Convention | Dr. Morgan Mullican - A Systematic Approach to Active Care (2 CE)

Total Credits: 2

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Topic Areas:
Convention |  OnDemand |  PACE Approved
Morgan Mullican, DC, DACBN, CCN, DCBCN
2 CEs


This speaker is sponsored by Breakthrough Coaching

To learn more, please visit Breakthrough Coaching here!


Proving medical necessity in today’s marketplace requires doctors to document objective functional improvement in order to get patient visits approved and paid for. In many chiropractic practices case management is pain management and when the pain goes away, so does the patient. One way to overcome this obstacle is to perform a small battery of quantifiable functional capacity tests to identify the patient's limitations beyond pain. These include measures of strength, endurance, balance, and proprioception. In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn how to measure function, set goals for care, and communicate them to your patients and third-party payers.

This course was recorded September 24, 2023 in Lexington, KY as a part of our 107th KAC Annual Convention and sponsored by Breakthrough Coaching.

KBCE Approval # KBCE1065
PACE Course Number 84047



Morgan Mullican, DC, DACBN, CCN, DCBCN's Profile

Morgan Mullican, DC, DACBN, CCN, DCBCN Related Seminars and Products

Title: A Systematic Approach to Active Care
CEs: 2 Hours

The language of reimbursement today is function. Establishing the medical necessity of your care requires you to objectively document functional improvement – and this requires active care. In this session, we will walk you and your practice team through the step-by-step procedures for documentation, home exercise programs, in-office therapeutic exercises and kinetic activities as well as neuromuscular re-education including stability ball proprioceptive training. An extraordinary patient experience results from well-defined procedures, smooth-running systems, and high-quality care and service. In this presentation we will review the procedures that can help you and your practice team reach an extraordinary level of excellence. You’ll learn all you need to know to quick start the process of adding active care to your practice.

Dr. Mullican comes to us with a great deal of practice and consulting experience. He is a 1988 honors graduate from Palmer College of Chiropractic. Before starting his practice in Dallas, Texas in 1989, he taught in the radiology department at Palmer College. He received his Diplomate in clinical nutrition in 1993, having one of the largest nutrition practices in Dallas for over 15 years. He opened up two additional offices in the Dallas area in the mid 90’s and converted all three practices into successful multi-disciplinary clinics, utilizing MD’s, PT’s and DC’s. For the last 14 years he has been a practice consultant for Breakthrough Coaching, coaching chiropractors and medical providers around the country on successful clinical and business practices. He is one of the most sought after speakers in practice management at chiropractic state association meetings. He and his wife Dawn have 5 children and now reside in Gainesville, Georgia.



Overall:      4.5

Total Reviews: 198