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Not Found General Membership

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Investment is $560/year or $140/quarter (discount available for multi-doc with multiple KAC memberships)

General Membership Includes:  

* Access to coding and insurance specialist to help with your questions
* Includes a copy of It’s The Law - A compilation of the most pertinent laws governing your practice 

* Quarterly district meetings (as scheduled)- your opportunity to network, share and mastermind with colleagues facing the same changes as you. 

* Free subscription to The Connection - Your connection to whats happening with the KAC and the hottest topics and trends affecting your practice 
* Access to the SecureCare Kentucky IPA -Creating a win-win-win relationship for the insurer, provider and patient 

* Professional lobbying team protecting Chiropractic in Frankfort - protecting your right to practice and ensuring your patients have access to your services
* Access to member only discounts such as InfinEDI, Office Depot, group health insurance and education discounts.

* Voting privileges at the annual KAC business meeting

Not Found Ultimate Membership

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Investment is $130/month (discount available for multi-doc with multiple KAC memberships)

Ultimate Membership

* Everything mentioned in the General Membership plus...
* Special Needs Fund donation
* Registration for all KAC in person or online events sold on

General Membership Includes:  

* Access to coding and insurance specialist to help with your questions
* Includes a copy of It’s The Law - A compilation of the most pertinent laws governing your practice 

* Quarterly district meetings- your opportunity to network, share and mastermind with colleagues facing the same changes as you. 

* Free subscription to The Voice - Your connection to whats happening with the KAC and the hottest topics and trends affecting your practice 
* Access to the SecureCare Kentucky IPA -Creating a win-win-win relationship for the insurer, provider and patient 

* Professional lobbying team protecting Chiropractic in Frankfort - protecting your right to practice and ensuring your patients have access to your services
* Access to member only discounts such as InfinEDI and Office Depot

* Voting privileges at the annual KAC business meeting

Not Found Enhanced Membership

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Investment is $90/month (discount available for multi-doc with multiple KAC memberships)


Enhanced Membership

* Everything mentioned in the General Membership Plus...
Special Needs Fund donation
*18 hours of in-person or online CE available for purchase on


General Membership Includes:  

* Access to coding and insurance specialist to help with your questions
* Includes a copy of It’s The Law - A compilation of the most pertinent laws governing your practice 

* Quarterly district meetings- your opportunity to network, share and mastermind with colleagues facing the same changes as you. 

* Free subscription to The Voice - Your connection to whats happening with the KAC and the hottest topics and trends affecting your practice 
* Access to the SecureCare Kentucky IPA -Creating a win-win-win relationship for the insurer, provider and patient 

* Professional lobbying team protecting Chiropractic in Frankfort - protecting your right to practice and ensuring your patients have access to your services
* Access to member only discounts such as InfinEDI and Office Depot

* Voting privileges at the annual KAC business meeting

Not Found 1st Year of Practice

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Investment is $50/year

Not Found 2nd Year of Practice

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Investment is $100/year

Not Found 3rd Year of Practice

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Investment is $200/year

Not Found Out of State

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Investment is $25/year

Out of State Membership Includes:  

* Access to coding and insurance specialist to help with your questions
* Includes a copy of It’s The Law - A compilation of the most pertinent laws governing your practice 
* Free subscription to The Connection - Your connection to whats happening with the KAC and the hottest topics and trends affecting your practice 
* Access to the SecureCare Kentucky IPA -Creating a win-win-win relationship for the insurer, provider and patient 

* Professional lobbying team protecting Chiropractic in Frankfort - protecting your right to practice and ensuring your patients have access to your services
* Access to member only discounts such as InfinEDI, Office Depot, group health insurance and education discounts.

* Out of state members cannot hold KAC board positions nor can they vote at the Annual Business Meeting.

Not Found Student

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Investment is $25/year each year the student is a chiropractic student enrolled at a CCE approved Chiropractic College

Chiropractic student enrolled in a CCE approved Chiropractic College.

Company Based Membership

Not Found KAC Corporate Member
$995.00 Base Rate

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Investment is $995/year


  • Services
    • Included with your Corporate partnership, your company will receive the following
  • Convention/Seminar exposure
    • Flyers handed out at convention and LB Payne (company provided)
    • Early access to booth registration
    • Included on the Cash Card automatically for LB Payne & the Fall Convention - $198 value!
    • Opportunity to join us for meals at events, if applicable
  • Web-based advertising
    • Your logo on our homepage (2x) and linked to your site
    • Company logo, blurb and web link on KAC corporate page
    • Ad rotate for 3 months – chance to have an advertisement in our articles linked to your specific site
      • Size requirement - 200x200 px
      • View in with our ads. Click rate tracked.
      • Potential for other homepage ads
        • 728x90 or 468x60
    • Chance to send in an article for our monthly connection that goes out to all KAC members. Articles are also featured on our website.
      • Cannot be an advertisement. Must provide physical content the doctor will benefit from.
    • 2 ads featured in KY Connection (separate size requirement; cannot be 2 consecutive months)
    • Added to email list so they know what is happening in the state
  • Investment
    • $995
Prefer the paper form? Check out the paper application here!

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