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On Demand

Connecting the Dots with Documentation and Code

Total Credits: 1 CE Hours

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Topic Areas:
KBCE Approved |  PACE Approved
Brandy Brimhall, CPC, CPCO, CMCO, CCCPC, CPMA
1 CE


This course will be available for purchase starting May 8, 2025.

This course was applied for continuing education credit from May 8, 2025 - May 8, 2026, for the state of Kentucky.

All components (video, quiz, affidavit, participation codes, evaluation, etc.) must be completed between May 8, 2025 - May 8, 2026 to count for continuing education credit in Kentucky.

Course Title: Medicare Billing Made Easy

Speaker: Brandy Brimhall, CPC, CCCPC, CPCO, CMCO, CPMA, Certified Credentialing Specialist

Duration: 1 CE


Outline and Objectives:

Documentation and coding are the foundation to every patient visit. It is within the documentation content and code selection that gives the provider the best opportunity to be paid properly for the services provided and also to be in the best position to keep that money once it has been paid. This Fundamentals of Documentation and Coding session will address the essential components to this foundation. Learning objectives include:

  • Identify the components to documentation and code to strengthen this foundation for each patient case
  • Recognize the relationship between documentation and code to improve provider confidence in each of these areas
  • Evaluate common risk areas in documentation and code that may be impacting reimbursement or increasing practice/provider risk

KBCE Approval # Application submitted
PACE Course Number 91500


Brandy Brimhall, CPC, CPCO, CMCO, CCCPC, CPMA's Profile

Brandy Brimhall, CPC, CPCO, CMCO, CCCPC, CPMA Related Seminars and Products


Brandy Brimhall is the Chief Operations Officer at Pratisync.  She is renowned since 1999 for her expertise in coding, compliance, and practice management. She knows chiropractic billing better than just about anyone in the industry and has earned multiple certifications.  She is actively involved in providing training and education to clinicians and team members alike.
