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On Demand

07.2024 KAC Webinar Series | The Role of Nutrition and Reduction of Infection in the Promotion of Cognitive Health in the Athlete

Total Credits: 1 including 1 CE Hours

Average Rating:
Topic Areas:
KBCE Approved |  OnDemand |  PACE Approved
KAC Webinar Series
1 CE


This course will be available for purchase starting July 1, 2024.

This course was applied for continuing education credit from July 1, 2024 - July 1, 2025, for the state of Kentucky.

All components (video, quiz, affidavit, participation codes, evaluation, etc.) must be completed between September 1, 2024 - September 1, 2025 to count for continuing education credit in Kentucky.


First half: Intro of Case Study of Concussed athlete and associated infection Pre and Post-concussion nutrition

Hydration for prevention or reduction of TBI symptoms
Supplementation to reduce inflammation

Consequences of Blood brain barrier breakdown and the incidence of infection

Second half: Relationship of gut, brain, mouth and infection Incidence of infection in athletes
Types of common infections in athletes
Case study of ring worm in wrestlers
Testing for infections in athletes

Work up and treatment of Concussed athlete with associated infection


Learning Objectives

  • The doctor will know how to implement appropriate supplementation/nutrition to reduce inflammation associated with Concussion/TBI
  • The doctor will learn how to do appropriate testing related to symptoms and conditions commonly seen in athletes
  • The doctor will learn how to look for and treat associated infections that athletes are more prone to.
  • The doctor will understand the gut, brain, mouth connection to preventing and treating infections in the athlete.

KBCE Approval # KBCE1294
PACE Course Number 85675


Cindy Howard, DC, DABCI, DACBN, FIAMA, FICC's Profile

Cindy Howard, DC, DABCI, DACBN, FIAMA, FICC Related Seminars and Products

Dr. Cindy M. Howard is a Board Certified Chiropractic Internist and Nutritionist in private practice in Chicago, Illinois and holds a license in the state of Florida. She speaks Nationally, presenting on topics including Pre and Post Concussion Nutrition, Neuro-adrenal dysfunction and Infection in sport, Male and Female pelvic disorders, Pediatrics, Immunology, GI disorders, Endocrinology, Nutritional Blood analysis interpretation and Genetics. 

She is also the owner of DC consulting and Advance Education  assisting private practices. She loves to help doctors to improve their communication with patients, increase compliance and build a better functional medicine or nutritional practice. 

For the last 8 years she has served as the Illinois delegate for the American Chiropractic society and as the alternate for 6 years prior to that. Serving the ACA she has served on the membership, professional development, guidelines, bylaws and grievance committees. She was the recipient of the Flynn/Lynch award in 2015 for outstanding service. She is also a founding member of the ACA Women’s health council.

She is a past president of the ACA Council on Diagnosis and Internal Disorders and currently serves as the Vice President of the College of Pharmacology and Toxicology. She also serves on the medical advisory board for the Functional Medicine University, serves as a board member for Before the Hit and is an associate editor of The Original Internist.

Locally Dr. Howard serves as a board member for the Frankfort Falcons Youth football organization, the concussion oversight team for the local school district and is the team chiropractor for Dreamz Elite competitive cheer and the local wrestling club.



Overall:      4.5

Total Reviews: 19