Included with your Corporate partnership, your company will receive the following
Convention/Seminar exposure
Flyers handed out at convention and LB Payne (company provided)
Early access to booth registration
Included on the Cash Card automatically for LB Payne & the Fall Convention - $198 value!
Opportunity to join us for meals at events, if applicable
Web-based advertising
Your logo on our homepage (2x) and linked to your site
Company logo, blurb and web link on KAC corporate page
Ad rotate for 3 months – chance to have an advertisement in our articles linked to your specific site
Size requirement - 200x200 px
View in with our ads. Click rate tracked.
Potential for other homepage ads
728x90 or 468x60
Chance to send in an article for our monthly connection that goes out to all KAC members. Articles are also featured on our website.
Cannot be an advertisement. Must provide physical content the doctor will benefit from.
2 ads featured in KY Connection (separate size requirement; cannot be 2 consecutive months)
Added to email list so they know what is happening in the state
Prefer the paper form? Check out the paper application here!
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